Pro-Palestinian groups

Jerusalem’s Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies opens doors to US college students

Students looking to avoid pro-Palestinian protests disrupting their college education will now be able to apply to the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.

NYPD clear schools and restore US flag, decry anti-US, pro-terror content

The NYPD clears campuses amid rising tensions: removal of Palestinian flag sparks controversy and arrests as protests escalate.

Jews against Jews is not so new

When Jews align themselves with pro-Palestinian individuals and groups who express open support for terrorist regimes such as Hamas and Hezbollah, they have crossed a red line.

Campus protests: Back to the ’60s, but with a nasty twist

Those who think being anti-Israel today is the newest incarnation of being against the Vietnam War yesterday will pour into Chicago en masse. Expect it


Over half of campus protesters arrested by NYPD unaffiliated with the schools

In the statement, Adams said it became "abundantly clear" that individuals unaffiliated with the schools had entered the campuses and, in some cases, trained students in unlawful protest tactics. 

Columbia riots’ masterminds are after the free world and the West

No, the rioting at Columbia was not about the freedom, democracy, equality, justice, or peace that the Middle East craves. It was about their eradication.

I’m a Jewish linguist, and I think ‘Ashkenormativity’ is a perfectly fine word

The word "Ashkenormativity," when defined and deployed appropriately, is useful in Jewish communal discourse and can actually help to counter antisemitism.


Former Dartmouth Jewish studies chair thrown to the ground by police as 90 protesters arrested

In footage circulating on social media, past chair of Dartmouth's Jewish studies department Annelise Orleck can be seen being dragged to the ground by police and handcuffed.


As police clear encampments at UCLA, Jewish students say pro-Israel violence undercuts them

Many schools with encampments have also experienced counter-demonstrations by pro-Israel students, but UCLA has stood out for the intensity and persistence of pro-Israel protests.


Caitlyn Jenner: 'LGBT pro-Palestinian supporters should go to Gaza'

In a different post on X, dated May 1, Jenner responded to a video showing pro-Palestinian members of the LGBTQ+ community at the California State Polytechnic University encampment. 

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