Israel’s rich biblical history can be found in the country’s archaeology. The Jerusalem Post shares the latest on archaeological excavations at significant biblical and historical sites in Israel and the region.
Hundreds of engraved sun stones were discovered in ceremonial sites, indicating a ritual response to climate catastrophe.
The marble head, measuring 38 centimeters in height, depicts an elderly, bald man with a wrinkled face showing signs of sternness and illness.
Hancock argues that Polynesian settlers encountered a pre-existing population, evidenced by banana remains from at least 3,000 years ago.
The Alexander Mosaic, considered the most important mosaic of the Roman age, is a detailed piece of art measuring 583 by 325 centimeters.
Local cuisine plays an important role, with dishes such as roasted guinea pig, fresh trout from Andean rivers, and pachamanca, a feast cooked in a hot stone oven underground.
Residence may have been used to promote owner's candidacy in local elections, using banquets to gain support.
Specialists fear planned commercial flights could compromise lunar heritage, including Neil Armstrong’s bootprints.
Some researchers hypothesize that the incorporation of animal-based foods in early hominin diets led to increased brain size, smaller gut size, and increased stature.
Becomes Mexico's 194th pre-Columbian archaeological site open to visitors.
The sarcophagus was recovered from a small Roman roadside cemetery, undisturbed since its burial in Roman times.