Security forces arrest three in West Bank for assaulting Palestinians

The initial attack happened in August.

 SECURITY FORCES arrive at the scene of a stabbing attack in Jerusalem, last month. Contrary to a narrative popularly pushed by Western leaders and the media, Palestinian terrorism isn’t just conducted by the extremists in Palestinian society, the writer argues. (20/4/2024) (photo credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)
SECURITY FORCES arrive at the scene of a stabbing attack in Jerusalem, last month. Contrary to a narrative popularly pushed by Western leaders and the media, Palestinian terrorism isn’t just conducted by the extremists in Palestinian society, the writer argues. (20/4/2024)
(photo credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)

The Israel Police and the Shin Bet have filed indictments against an adult and two minors for assaulting Palestinians and their property in the area of Awarta in the West Bank in August, the police reported Monday morning.

The indictment stated that the defendants used weapons, threw stones, and attempted to obstruct the investigation. 

Following an IDF report of an Israeli citizen being attacked by several Palestinians in the Ma'borot Jericho area in the West Bank, several Israeli citizens arrived at the location where suspects had fled and confronted the assailants.

The IDF and police made arrests on the scene

A fight broke out between the two groups, leaving several Palestinians injured. IDF and police forces arrived and arrested several suspects on the scene.

 IDF soldiers operating near Kalkilya in the West Bank, May 5, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldiers operating near Kalkilya in the West Bank, May 5, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The indictment revealed that the suspects used cold weapons, threw stones, and obstructed the investigation.

The police stated that these individuals endangered themselves and security forces who were "forced to enter Palestinian villages" to pursue them.