Rocket shrapnel wounds two in western Galilee

Two people were wounded by shrapnel in Kibbutz Sa'ar after rockets were fired into the western Galilee, Magen David Adom's (MDA) CEO Eli Bin reported on Wednesday afternoon.

The two wounded were a 35-year-old man in serious condition, with shrapnel wounds to his upper body, and a 52-year-old man in moderate condition, MDA said. Both were taken to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya.

MDA added that several people were treated for anxiety.

An additional person was lightly injured following a rocket hit in the village of Bir al-Maksur.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Sued Rami reported, "There was a direct hit on a barn. We provided initial treatment at the scene to a 50-year-old woman who sustained mild injuries from shrapnel. A number of goats and sheep were killed on the spot."