Thoughts from Israel's top entrepreneurs, innovators and business leaders.
As companies adapt to these new guidelines, it will be essential to ensure that all agreements signed from January 1 onwards comply with the updated regulations to avoid any future tax complications.
Just as oil-rich nations shaped the 20th-century economy, Bitcoin-rich nations could shape the 21st.
Experts underestimated Israel’s resilience, yet its stock market soared.
The Israeli tech industry has voiced concerns that this rule could delay the deployment of GPU processors in Israel, and slow the growth of the local high-tech industry.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude," - Thomas Jefferson.
Your Taxes: The rules are complex. We all need to prepare.
These local shop owners are doing everything in their power to stay open and not rely upon charity. It is incumbent on us to do everything in our power to help them.
Why take your productive years and do absolutely nothing? Work isn’t a curse word, it’s something that should be encouraged. Sitting around and being unproductive is athe problem.
So how does a Middle Eastern economy of 10 million people in Israel affect a rich economy of 340 million people in the United States?
In order to combat digital hate, it needs to be recognized as a global problem, measured, and harnessed.