Colorful mix of local dishes and recipes brought from all over the world. The Israeli cuisine is frequently ranked among the top ten healthiest diets in the world being quite similar to the Mediterranean diet. 'Israeli Food' brings you the best Jewish recipes and news from the culinary world.
Bar 22 is a great place for a date night or a girls’ night out. I already texted my Ladies Who Drink and suggested we hold our next birthday celebration there.
We hope the list will help you decide where to get your supplemental protein so that you have the energy to enjoy all the activities suited to the upcoming warmer weather.
Erica Schachne and Jonathan Feldstein each provide a recipe for a cocktail for the holiday of Purim.
These Israelis-by-choice prove that a little taste of the past can make all the difference in the present.
Although just 23, Eitan Sylvester is a gracious host, stopping at each table to say hello, and asking for feedback about the food.
Purim is a wine-drinking festival; it is the one day of the year when we are encouraged to get drunk.
Beer was never far behind at a Purim spiel or carnival. It’s popular, plentiful, and has been bringing people together for some 5,000 years.
The atmosphere is laid back, the staff friendly and efficient, and, in my opinion, the burgers are the best you will find anywhere.
Some fun, delicious party foods you can make for Purim – or all month long if you’d like.
The mouthwatering photos of dishes are an intrinsic part of Savory Flavors, along with old photos of Jewish communities.