Students will study ancient Jerusalem starting from the prehistoric period through key historical phases.
Scientists have now discovered at a location called Koobi Fora, providing the first evidence that two species - Paranthropus boisei and Homo erectus - shared the same landscape.
Phanagoria's 1st century BCE synagogue was discovered last year, following excavations on the ancient Greek city.
Modern radiocarbon dating and advanced gene-sequencing technology have allowed researchers to analyze the remains found.
The uncovered settlement encompassed the remains of some of Judea’s first public buildings
The settlements, Tashbulak and Tugunbulak, are among the largest ever documented in the mountainous parts of the Silk Road, playing a strategic role in trade and iron production.
Despite lacking a traditional atrium, the house's lavish frescoes rival those of grander homes, highlighting changing Roman architectural norms.
The petition reads: "This unique bust, with its historical and aesthetic value, is currently in Germany. Now is the time for its return to Egypt."
Questions related to literacy in ancient times are not an exclusive prerogative of academic studies on the Israelites.
The pottery from Tel Hama was excavated in the 1930s, and since then has been kept in the National Museum in Denmark.