The Canadian government announced a national antisemitism forum after the shooting of the Toronto Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School and arson of the Montreal Beth Tikvah Synagogue.
Chikli asserted that 'Canada is no longer safe for Jews', which lead Jewish MP Anthony Housefather to call the minister's statement 'false and exaggerated.'
Despair has become a part of everyday life for Jews experiencing overt hatred.
The current incident is the third time gunshots were fired at the school this year, with similar incidents recorded in October and May.
The committee also recommended that the Canadian Heritage Department ensure that recipients of government funding do not advocate intolerance, discrimination, prejudice, racism or hate.
Born a French-Canadian Québécois and Catholic, he was initially an ardent supporter of Quebec nationalism. As a separatist MP, he increasingly became a defender of Jews and Israel.
The tournament raised $120,000, with an additional $20,000 contributed by Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, and other donors, bringing the total to nearly $140,000.
New research refutes previous assumptions about the Moon's oldest and largest impact crater, the South Pole-Aitken Basin.
“I feel I no longer belong in Canada and may need to flee,” one respondent reportedly told JMAO.
These remote Jewish communities may not make headlines, but their stories are no less significant.