Daycare subsidies are economic incentive for ultra-Orthodox men to continue yeshiva despite legal requirement to enlist.
The legal blanket haredi exemption from IDF service ended in July 2023 after being ruled unequal and therefore unconstitutional.
Israel needs new leadership – recycling the leaders who have already tried and failed is not the solution.
The statement noted that after the necessary preparations were completed, the IDF began reaching out to relevant candidates who served in crucial units.
Smotrich's decision opens another front in the struggle between the government and the attorney general's office.
Noisy public infighting usually develops into an attempt by parties to leverage their position to score political victories.
The IDF reported that Border Police successfully kept the protesters away from the base's fences, though the police had to disperse a large number of demonstrators using tear gas.
Attorney-General Baharav-Miara’s office sent a letter to cut childcare subsidies worth between NIS 1,000-1,700 per child to yeshiva students who are ignoring call-up notices.
The attorney-general's ruling will likely lead to a financial blow to thousands of haredi families just weeks before a new school year begins.
The letter is another step in a long-simmering feud between Fuchs and the AG's office, over the boundaries of the government's authority on a number of issues, including the haredi draft.