The survey polled 800 reservists who fought in the Israel-Hamas War.
The study aimed to look at ex-ultra-Orthodox Jews' use of social media after their first encounter with it to see what effect it had on them.
"We need a draft so that haredim don’t drift off and evolve into a separate people not just distinct from, but separated from, the rest of Jewry. We need each other too much for that to happen."
He previously served as the head of the Lithuanian 'Ponevezh Yeshiva' for 46 years, and has been influential in draft dodging among yeshiva students.
"What do we have without our Torah? Why did we come here—to become secular? If a draft notice arrives, tear it up. Do you have a toilet at home? Flush it down,” Yosef said.
The course certified 26 soldiers as technicians, who will serve at the hangar and ensure operational support for IAF fighter jets and their weapons systems.
If you care about Israel’s future—and I know you do—then it’s time to act. Meet with the rabbis. Challenge them. Urge them to find solutions.
When it comes to ultra-Orthodox (haredi) military service, the change within the haredi community will come from the bottom up.
Katz doesn't block draft orders despite his mission to compromise with the ultra-Orthodox.
Rabbi Dov Landau proclaimed: “We know full well that no yeshiva student or kollel scholar will join the army—under any circumstances and in any form whatsoever.”