IDF Headline

Driving out darkness with the 36th Division in Shejaia

REPORTERS’ NOTEBOOK: The advance in Gaza is a process described as one of methodical pace, careful targeting, and then the application of concentrated, massive force.

Israel's enemies may see the war in Gaza as a road to Jerusalem - analysis

The Gaza Strip was first occupied by Egypt after the partition of British Mandate Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state.

IDF arrests Ahed Tamimi, who called for Jews to be slaughtered

Last week, Tamimi called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post.

IDF plans to establish co-working spaces like WeWork for reservist use

"No one here counts the days," says a senior reserve officer, who also holds a senior position in a food company. "We are here as long as they need us"


Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold

Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.

Israel says retakes control of Gaza fence, no infiltrations since Monday

The IDF pummeled the heart of the Gaza strip for just under two hours Sunday night.

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