IDF commander promoted, despite role in Oct. 7 intelligence failure

Despite his role in the intelligence failure of October 7 and his affair with a female officer under his command, Lieutenant Colonel A, who served as the intelligence officer of the Southern Command, has been appointed as the IDF representative in the National Cyber Security Authority.

According to the IDF, the new position is not a command position; therefore, the appointment is not an exemption. The IDF stated that at the end of the probes into 7/10 intelligence failures, additional decisions will be made regarding Col. A, and the previous commander of the Gaza Division, Lt. Col. Avi Rosenfeld, who resigned and retired.

Col. A. remained in the army even after his removal from his previous post following the affair with the female officer.

Ronan Manelis, IDF spokesman and former Director General of the Strategic Affairs Ministry, condemned the appointment. They said: "Why am I angry about no one taking real responsibility in the army? There is no resignation and there is no removal of senior officials with direct responsibility for the failings on October 7. Now, we have a situation where people at fault get new positions instead of being punished."