Despite the positive signal to the foreign airlines that their demands are being met, there has been little response on their part so far.
On Saturday, Italian websites, including those of Milan's two main airports, Malpensa and Linate, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were targeted by cyberattacks, and temporarily went offline.
The data revealed: While Israelis flock to Europe, Europeans actually prefer to fly out. A record of nearly a billion passengers, with a dramatic increase in all major airports.
Spain's Nuclear Safety Council reported the package containing four encapsulated selenium-75 sources was located in the cargo terminal.
Gatwick, Britain's second busiest airport which is located about 30 miles south of London, said earlier it had evacuated a large part of its South terminal, citing a security incident.
The tender winner will sell a variety of electronics and mobile products, including phones, in a store located in the airport's public hall, accessible to all passengers.
Buskila and Mazuz emphasized that during their time at the airport, they felt they were isolated solely because they were Israelis.
Iran, Syria, and Iraq closed their airspace indefinitely after Israel's attack on Iranian military facilities.
Air Haifa's flights to Eilat begin Oct 13. Prices start at $64 for Cyprus. New airline to serve North Israel. Transport Minister calls it historic moment.
The Lebanese Transport Minister reported that he quickly intervened and prohibited the landing of that aircraft.