A rejection of Israel’s Declaration of Independence and its right to exist is a rejection of America’s Declaration of Independence and its right to exist.
Monica Buckley, David Moritz and eighty-year-old veteran Bob Campbell shared on social media and with the police that they attended the “Strategic Lessons from the Palestinian Resistance” seminar.
Rabbi David Minkus of Chicago's Congregation Rodfei Zedek reflects on handling anti-Zionist views in his community through a podcast, promoting dialogue and inclusivity.
“It's crazy now that [Zionism] becomes a slur in certain circles,” Fetterman said, adding that “it’s been turned into like, ‘you Zionist,’ or whatever, it’s crazy.”
Creator Recognition in Tabletop Role Playing Games (CRIT) Awards announced that they would exclude Zionists from nomination for awards.
Model and actor Enok Groven had come to Israel in March to help the IDF with logistics through the Sar-El program.
California Governor and Mayor of Los Angeles make their officials statements on the riot.