One person is reported dead according to a Syrian human rights organization based in the UK.
While apologists of the regime expressed hope for Raisi’s well-being, others implied that the regime itself was behind an assassination attempt, and many others expressed joy at the unconfirmed news.
The report found that, while Putin was responsible for Navalny’s death, he likely did not order it at the time it occurred.
Israeli media reported on Saturday that Avitan was an associate of an Israeli criminal syndicate who had been en route to assassinate a member of a rival crime family.
The man was also caught in possession of six guns and 200 bullets.
The Iranian regime has planned multiple attacks against Iran International.
Faced with a persistent threat of Palestinian terrorism that could, sometimes, escalate to mass destruction weapons, Israel has no choice but to eliminate Hamas leadership wherever possible.
Following October 7, America began providing signals intelligence by eavesdropping on electronic communications.
The assassins allegedly came to the country in a migration wave to Sweden in 2015.
The attempted attack was one of several planned by Iran, spiking in recent months and years.