Issues such as conscription exacerbate religious divisions in Israeli society - reclaiming our Jewish identity requires a paradigm shift towards inclusivity, diversity, and equality.
“Unity” is the call for humans to draw a clear boundary between “right vs wrong,” and not let it fall into the muddy waters of “Right vs Left.”
The seeming failure of many DEI programs to take Jews’ concerns seriously has led some Jewish leaders and conservative politicians to call for their dismantling.
Ackman gained an elevated public profile in recent weeks as he led the successful effort to force out Claudine Gay, the president of Harvard University, his alma mater.
Every American who cares about their right to equal, skillful medical treatment should join me in condemning medicine’s DEI-fueled politicization.
A woman explains the diversity of the Jewish world and the rarity of Jews globally.
“I haven’t seen this kind of thing since the Germans,” says a 91-year-old who came to Israel decades ago after living through the Nazi occupation of Tunisia
The greatest danger of Jewish proponents of radical ethnic studies is that they end up supporting outrageous political positions completely at odds with traditional Jewish interests.
Douglas Altabef, chairman of the board of Im Tirtzu, has figured out, by himself, that the protesters are “new Jews who know nothing of their own tradition.” He has no way of knowing this factually.
Affirmative action program will admit 10% from underrepresented presented populations – but, with some adaptations, they must meet academic requirements.