After winning a tender for a landmark five-year plan, the Israel Association of Community Centers hopes to significantly boost the array of informal education opportunities in Arab society
A new initiative by the company, in collaboration with international aid organizations, enables communities in crisis to gain access to the internet and educational services.
Sakhnin College presents an innovative vision for cultural diplomacy, driven by the power of AI.
Our eye-opening experiences during the program in Morocco illustrated what can be achieved, thus amplifying our hope for a future in which MENA can become a region of peace and coexistence.
Eight start-ups won at the GESA finals, including Jessica, born as James, who developed an app to prevent recidivism; Israeli apps Nick Academy and VOCA TOOKI also won.
Researchers calculated that for each additional year of study, a patient lived 0.2 years (approximately 2.5 months) less.
The bills were backed by the Combat Antisemitism Movement, an international network of 850 groups dedicated to combating antisemitism.
In collaboration with Yuval Malchi – "Galaxy Stars: Protecting the Web."
Q System – an innovative and intelligent learning system based on GenAI technology is a global breakthrough in the combination of technology and pedagogy.