I’m not planning on retiring any time soon. Tiring, maybe, but not giving up the fight. That’s what life is all about.
Ten Kavod focuses on providing preventative health care and support to elderly individuals and Holocaust survivors like the homebound 81-year-old Mina Kozlanko.
The generation which reached maturity in the 60s and 70s, a time when drugs were more prevalent and accepted, are now reaching old age and haven't given up their habits yet.
A new study shows that interactions between children and the elderly can improve the mental health of senior citizens.
The event boasted a crowd of more than 200 people in attendance.
Impotence, erectile dysfunction, and Viagra are all talked about when it comes to having sex in your 50s, but what are the facts?
Mice that were fed the taurine had an increased medium lifespan of 10-12% longer than the mice that were given just the standard diet.