If Israel waits until all the countries have filed on the issue, it may find itself once again “suddenly” rudely surprised by the ICC.
If Israel waits until all the countries have filed on the issue, it may find itself once again “suddenly” rudely surprised by the ICC deciding against it before it has time to announce an inquiry.
The purpose of an Israeli complaint against Iran at the ICJ would create an international atmosphere that will enable people around the world to better understand the threats Israel is facing.
Netanyahu opposes state probe out of concern that diving deep into his failings would undermine his continued ability to serve as prime minister.
Last month, the IDF military advocate general announced that she is probing over 70 cases of alleged criminal wrongdoing by soldiers during the war.
The Broad Perspective: While we have ample grounds to argue for the justification of the IDF’s operation in the Gaza Strip, it is legally bound to come under public scrutiny.
The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri and Sarah Ben-Nun.
The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri and Sarah Ben-Nun.
The Israeli government will now need to decide whether or not to select a new judge to replace Barak on the International Court of Justice.
"The inversion of international law is something to behold: Hamas slaughters Israeli civilians and hides behind its own so that Israel stands accused.”