John Kirby

Israel planning to open new border crossing into Gaza

The officials stated that according to the plan, which has yet to be finalized, the crossing is set to be opened in the area of Kibbutz Be’eri. 

Gaza hunger crisis is unacceptable, US officials tell Gantz in DC

“What we have made clear is that... it is not an acceptable alternative for people to starve,” Miller said.

US urges Hamas to accept hostage deal and six-week pause to Gaza war

“Israel has put a forward-leaning deal on the table,” US National Security Communication Advisor John Kirby. “They have made an offer here. And the onus is on Hamas to accept it.”


White House: Northern Gaza aid truck disaster underscores need for airdrops

The White House's announcement comes a day after the disaster in northern Gaza, where 100 Palestinians were killed while attempting to receive humanitarian assistance from aid trucks. 

Biden reaches out to Michigan's Arab-American community amid Gaza war

The Biden administration is making overtures to Arab-Americans in Dearborn, Michigan in an effort to solidify the Arab vote while maintaining support for Israel.

 A Hamas terrorist stands in front of a picture of the group's top leader Ismail Haniyeh

US affirms Hamas is terror group after UN says it's a political one

“Hamas is a terrorist organization,” White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby told reporters in Washington on Thursday.

US hit 80 Iranian-connected targets in Iraq, Syria, promising more strikes

US forces were waiting for the right weather conditions to conduct the strikes, Lt.-Gen. Douglas A Sims said. 

WH: framework exists for Gaza hostage deal, but it's not final

John Kirby cautions that there is no finalized deal despite the existence of a framework.

White House calls talks on Hamas hostage deal constructive, promising

"I think it's fair to describe them as constructive," White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on CNN.


US urges restraint 'on all sides' as tensions grow between its ally Pakistan and Iran

"Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally of the United States. That will remain the case, but we would urge restraint in this case," a State Department spokesman said.

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