An analysis of the lions' jaws revealed they likely suffered from painful dental injuries while alive, making it difficult for them to hunt and eat large prey.
Researchers say their findings are 'conclusive proof' of Paleoindians making tailored garments.
Using the ESA's measurement, asteroid (415029) 2011 UL21 is around the size of 770 adult male lions from head to tail.
"The Lion King" echoes ancient Jewish tales through parallels with Joseph, Moses, and Jewish symbolism, enriching its narrative with Judeo-Christian elements and cultural resonance.
The animal was shot dead after being discovered by authorities in bushes near the farm about an hour after escaping the farm.
Such big cats include lions and tigers that should not go through the process of onychectomy, researchers say.
Germany's federal office for civil protection issued a warning to locals, also advising them to keep any pets indoors.
The cub, newly named Zion-Neev, is adapting to his new life at the Simbonga Game Reserve & Sanctuary.
19-year-old Loonkito was killed after targeting local livestock.