PrimeC has been given an ‘Orphan Drug’ status by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency).
Researchers found that brake-wear particulate matter has a greater detrimental effect on lung cells than diesel exhaust particles.
To present the pioneering concept, Peer and his team encoded the anti-inflammatory protein interleukin-10 into mRNA and delivered it to animal models with Crohn's disease.
GLP-1 medications associated with lower risks of Alzheimer's and heart disease, but higher risks of pancreatitis and kidney problems.
The possibility that Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis is associated with viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites has been postulated over the past three decades.
The scientists concluded that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea might protect blood vessels and promote brain health.
The current control strategy relies on regular deworming with albendazole and improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene.
Doctors warn: Saunas may cause life-threatening heat stroke without proper hydration.
Studies indicate a 41% reduction in head and neck cancer risk associated with drinking three to four cups of coffee daily.
Blocking stress response in microglia reverses Alzheimer's symptoms in mice, researchers report.