Hamashbir 365 has updated about a long-term strategic license agreement it signed with Kenneth Cole to sell the brand’s products in all EU countries, as well as in the UK, Switzerland, and Morocco.
Morocco has also won backing from Western Sahara's former colonial power Spain, as well as Israel and more than two dozen African and Arab nations.
The deal further strengthens Elbit Systems' footprint in Morocco and reinforces Israel’s role as a strategic defense partner.
Ensuring stability in North Africa is not only a regional necessity but also a global imperative, with significant implications for Israeli security and beyond.
The report noted that what the three areas share in common is a strong need for US support.
The terrorist passed checks both when applying for his visa and in Ben-Gurion Airport after being blocked by an immigrations officer.
After assessments at Ben-Gurion airport, a decision was made that there were no security reasons to prevent the terrorist from entry into Israel.
An incomplete jawbone and four sharp teeth of Xenodens calminechari were discovered in a phosphate mine in Morocco known for the circulation of forged fossils and falsified features.
Kalibat, who was suspected of positioning the explosive device on the premises and detonating it via a remote control fled the country in March of 2022.