"The Russian authorities have used the law enforcement authorities to repress any kind of opposition to the Kremlin, opposition to the war."
One year on, the legacy of the Wagner rebellion is still unfolding. It serves as a reminder of the complexities of law and order within Russia and Putin’s insatiable hold on power.
NATO Sec.-Gen. Jens Stoltenberg said North Korea had provided "an enormous amount of ammunition" to Russia while both China and Iran were supporting Moscow militarily in its war against Ukraine.
The court in St Petersburg, where Malev was tried, said this showed disrespect for society and insulted the memory of the Great Patriotic War, as Russians refer to World War Two.
"We are aware of reports of US citizens being arrested inside of Russia," a spokesman said. "Consular officers from the embassy always seek to aid citizens with appropriate assistance."
No one has done more to create the chaos that is the Republican-led House of Representatives, and no one is doing more to end it and flip the chamber Democratic in November.
Iran's assault on Israel highlights the arab nations' struggle with Iran's influence.
There’s no need for political or security analysis, just reliable information to establish the truth.
According to the FSB's public relations center, the assailant intended to carry out the attack during a period of significant congregation at the religious Jewish institution.
Moscow and Tehran, both under Western sanctions, have deepened military and other cooperation since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.