
IDF succeeds in evacuating almost 1 million from Rafah in 2 weeks

IDF controls most of Philadelphi Corridor, 30% of Rafah • Military unsure where Sinwar is

Israelis split on if ministers should come to Remembrance Day ceremonies - poll

Israelis are generally pessimistic about the future of Israeli democracy and Israel's national security.

Blinken: Major IDF Rafah operation won’t destroy Hamas

Biden has made clear to Israel that if it "launches this major military operation to Rafah, then there are certain systems that we're not going to be supporting and supplying for that operation."

IDF expands operations in Gaza, calls for civilian evacuation

The IDF said that 100,000-150,000 Palestinian civilians would need to be evacuated from Jabalia for a large renewed operation there.

UN Security Council chooses to appease Hamas over eliminating terrorism

The UN blunders when it imagines that the majority of Israelis will condone the destructive design of Hamas terror. The UN should strive for peace, not its reverse. 

UN General Assembly supports Palestinian bid for membership despite US opposition

The UN General Assembly voted to support Palestinian membership, urging the Security Council to reconsider. The move faces US opposition and funding threats.


UNGA votes 143-9 to upgrade Palestinian statehood status

The United Nations General Assembly voted 143-9 to upgrade Palestine's status as a non-member observer state, sparking criticism from Israel.

Slovenia to recognize Palestinian state by mid-June

The announcement came as Ireland, Spain, and several other European Union member states are reportedly considering recognizing a Palestinian state on May 21.


A Palestinian state will exist with or without Israel's approval - opinion

Israel lacks veto power in recognizing a Palestinian state. It is essential to take responsibility and ensure Palestinian statehood aligns with the moderate Muslim sector.


I am a Palestinian

Russia pushed the name on reluctant local Arabs.

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