
Bank Hapoalim: Loans for reservists mainly helped small business owners

Bank Hapoalim, along with Israel's other banks and partially under the purview of Israel's central bank, offered a number of benefits to Israeli soldiers in reserves.

 Israeli soldiers embrace after returning from the Gaza Strip

IDF investigation: Two reservists killed in Gaza by friendly fire

Aviv, 28 years old, from Karmiel, was a fighter in the Yiftah Division, and Mehar, 37 years old, from Petah Tikva, was a fighter at the Carmeli Division.

From the front lines to the exam room: Doctors face hurdles caused by IDF reserves duty

This failure not only hurts doctors, but also public health as it worsens Israel's doctors shortage by keeping doctors from advancing in their certifications, said Mirsham.


‘Smiles for Kids’ brings comfort to families impacted by war with upcoming April events

Since October 7, the non-profit has provided over 30,000 bags of candy, 5,000 candy platters, 2000 chalot and cake and fed 25,000 soldiers across Israel.

Argentinian Chabad welcomes released IDF reservists at dinner table

Chabad emissary in Bariloche, Argentina, said the essence of the events he hosts for released IDF reservists was the "heartfelt conversations" that ensued.

From battle to home: An IDF reservist back from Gaza adjusts to family life

Despite all these ongoing challenges, Michael has managed to keep his positive outlook and cheery disposition.

As the Gaza war rages without an end in sight, are we still united?

Hamas's brutality on October 7 gave Israel legitimacy to act with great force; six months later, while Israel mostly remains in consensus, international legitimacy is running out.

 Israeli soldiers embrace after returning from the Gaza Strip

IDF reservists are building a new Israeli society - this is how

As published first by Makor Rishon: During the war, they showed how polarization can be healed among those with opposing opinions.


Letters to the editor, March 6, 2024: A clear case

Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.

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