Saudi Arabia

‘Nothing will stop a deal with Saudi Arabia’: Middle East expert Dr. Nirit Ofir tells the 'Post'

Dr. Nirit Ofir, a frequent speaker at conferences around the Gulf, dedicates her life to building bridges and shattering glass ceilings with Israel’s neighbors.


Saudi textbooks show more moderate approach to Jews and Zionism, report shows

A comprehensive report by research institute IMPACT-se shows more positive approaches to other religions an denouncement of radical Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.


64% of Israelis oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state in Saudi deal - Exclusive survey

The Biden administration seeks to promote a regional deal that includes ending the war, demanding Hamas return hostages, and reinstating PA forces in Gaza.

Saudi FM: We’re concerned by Israel's stance against Palestinian state

“I firmly believe,” Prince Faisal said on Sunday night, “that a two-state solution with the establishment of a credible Palestinian State serves … the interest of the Palestinians..."

US expected to lift ban on sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday said the US and Saudi Arabia were very close to concluding a set of agreements on nuclear energy, security and defense cooperation.


Blinken says US-Saudi pacts could be 'weeks away' from completion

As Washington works on restoring calm in Gaza through a hostage deal that would achieve a ceasefire, Blinken said, a moment of choice was approaching for Israel.


Blinken admits: Israel may not be willing or able to move on a Saudi deal

The conversation about normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia is complicated as it would have to involve the pathway to a Palestinian state.

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