Despite Mossad and Shin Bet's claims about revealing IDF soldiers' locations, Benjamin Netanyahu blocks closure of Al Jazeera despite approval from the attorney-general.
Speaking in English from his seat, Shlomo Karhi wore a blue suit and a crocheted skullcap on his head and spoke into a handheld microphone.
“Here in Riyadh we prayed with the windows open to Jerusalem,” said Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi.
Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Monday.
The UPU Congress is comprised of 192 member countries that gather periodically to discuss world postal strategy and set standards for international mail exchanges.
COMMUNICATION AFFAIRS: In an exclusive interview, Shlomo Karhi elaborated on his views regarding privatization, connectivity, and the controversy surrounding his broadcast reform.
Karhi also scrutinized personal statements made by the IPBC's editors and staff on social media platforms, raising concerns about potential biases.
The three channels vowed that, through the joint forum, they "will use all the tools at its disposal to prevent the dangerous move of a hostile takeover of the Israeli media."