If the court allows St. Isidore of Seville Catholic school to become the first government-funded religious school in the country, the consequences for religious education could be far reaching.
Why the government and the opposition are fighting so fiercely.
The incoming president of the Supreme Court could raise the flag of compromise in the form of the victor’s outstretched hand and allow Levin’s candidate to be appointed to the court.
The Supreme Court has failed the most basic test of judiciousness, showing itself to be rash, tone-deaf, and ultimately unaccountable.
Levin is now expected to try to push through one of the key planks of his judicial reform -- changes in how the court is selected.
To appoint Amit, as brilliant a jurist as he might be, to lead the country’s highest court under a cloud of unresolved conflict-of-interest allegations is counter-productive.
"This is a sad day for democracy and a sad day for our judicial system," the justice minister said in a statement.
The Judicial Selection Committee convenes to appoint Israel's new chief justice.
Alas, these fine initiatives only nibble at the edges of the military, societal, and ideological need, which is a significant draft to the fighting army of 18 to 26-year-old haredi men.
Trump ordered US agencies to refuse to recognize the citizenship of children born in the US if neither their mother or father is a US citizen or legal permanent resident.