temple mount history

Christian group makes 'aliyah' to Temple Mount on Tisha Be'av

Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehudah Glick led the ascent. In addition to the ascent, the group hosted 27 hours of prayer with www.AltarofPrayer.com.

Dome of the Rock missing in Western Wall photo in Jerusalem gov't office

The base of the Dome of the Rock is still visible in the photo, but the dome itself is missing.

EU diplomats visit Temple Mount, express support for Jordan custodianship

EU diplomats send message of Palestinian support and support of Jordan maintaining control over the Temple Mount.

Temple Mount as Jewish site is absent from Israel public awareness due to politics, media - opinion

The Temple Mount as a Jewish site is absent from the Israeli public's awareness due to political and media-related reasons.


Ben-Gvir should be allowed to visit the Jerusalem Temple Mount - comment

One of the greatest mistakes that Israel made was when in 1967 it declared “The Temple Mount is in our hands” but then never took steps to make that true.

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