The two cousins killed at the shooting near the synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia were identified as Aviel and Ben Hadad, one being Israeli and the other being French.
Israeli officials said that there is a secret plan for massive aliyah from Tunisia, but it is unclear if the Jewish community members are interested in immigrating to Israel.
Thousands of Jewish pilgrims arrive to the island of Djerba every year for Lag Ba'omer festivities.
Sharing the tale of a Tunisian Holocaust survivor.
The Tunisian chess players who boycotted the Israeli players were booted from the competition.
Violence in Sudan and arrests in Tunisia represent important shifts that likely make the chances for civilian democratic rule returning even more distant.
In preparation for this special meal that would take my siblings and me back down memory lane, I started making a list of all the dishes my mother would prepare for Shabbat.
Hopes were high for both North African countries, but current developments raise questions for the region.
Tunisia reinstated a limited diplomatic mission to Syria in 2017, in part to help track more than 3,000 Tunisian militants fighting in Syria.