US, Israel call on UNSC to condemn Iran’s attack, but no action taken

“The Security Council must unequivocally condemn Iran’s aggressive actions and call for Iran and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks,” US Ambassador Robert Wood told the 15-member body.

Spain to lobby EU on Palestinian statehood, as UN weighs membership

"We want to stop the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and help kickstart a political peace process leading to the realization of the two-state solution as early as possible," a spokeswoman said.


Russia says Israeli attack on Iranian consulate is 'act of aggression', requests UNSC meeting

The Kremlin said that the suspected Israeli attack is an act of aggression and a "violation of all the foundations of international law."


Palestinians want April vote for full United Nations membership

An application to become a full UN member needs to be approved by the Security Council - where the United States can cast a veto - and then at least two-thirds of the 193-member General Assembly.


France to work on new UN Gaza ceasefire resolution after Russian and Chinese veto, Macron says

France's foreign ministry said on Thursday it had started drafting a resolution with diplomats, saying they would put a draft forward if the US resolution did not pass.


If October 7 rape victims want justice, the UN is the wrong place to look

Hila Kinster Bar-David founder of the Israel Women's Forum community and leader of the "Don't Let Hamas Rape MeToo" campaign, commented on the UN meeting regarding Gaza and Israeli rape victims


'End your silence, declare Hamas a terror organization,' FM Israel Katz urges UNSC

During the five months that have passed since the attack, the “UN never condemned nor disapproved these Hamas brutal crimes,” he said.

Israel Katz to join UNSC debate on Hamas’s Oct. 7 sexual violence on Monday

On Friday morning, the Foreign Ministry reported that three permanent members of the UNSC—the US, France, and the UK—had requested an emergency session on the matter.

Oil prices increase as investors raise red flag over Houthi attacks in Red Sea

Analysts polled by Reuters estimated on average that crude inventories rose by about 4.3 million barrels in the week to Feb. 16.


US casts third veto of UN action since start of Israel-Hamas war

The Algerian-drafted resolution vetoed by the US did not link a ceasefire to the release of hostages.

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