US-China relations have been tense for years over a range of national security and trade issues.
The House version of the annual defense bill requires the Pentagon to run a CL-20 pilot program that switches out either the explosive or propellant in three existing weapons.
While it is important to directly talk with Beijing, Jerusalem must remain as transparent as possible with Washington about those conversations.
Despite recent tensions, China and the US are aiming to combat climate change together.
The best way for America to confront the Chinese in the region is to remain engaged and present and convince the region’s nations that America is not a paper tiger.
China's Xie requested "the US side to take action to remove obstacles, manage differences, handle Taiwan and other important and sensitive issues cautiously"
Microsoft did not say which organizations or governments had been affected, but added that the hacking group involved primarily targets entities in Western Europe.
Dr. Gal Luft insists the charges made against him are entirely false and issued new allegations of corruption against US President Joe Biden.
US defense and intelligence agencies found that the Chinese spy balloon shot down over the US this year had been equipped with American tech.
The strait, which separates China from the democratically governed island of Taiwan, is a frequent source of tension as Beijing steps up its political and military pressure.