Lev Lechayalot reaches out to female soldiers and women serving in the Border Police all over the country, be they lone soldiers or those in combat.
As Edna Ferber’s popularity has waned over the years, Julie Gilbert hopes to reintroduce the first Jewish Pulitzer Prize winner and “put her at the center of 20th-century women writers.”
As a grandmother herself, the author, Diane Schulder Abrams, speaks for a generation of contemporary female elders who led extraordinary careers while keeping their Jewish values front and center.
Each of its nine chapters includes source material from biblical verses, Talmudic discussions, and classical and contemporary responsa, in Hebrew/Aramaic and English, presented chronologically.
Julani said they would not be restricting the rights of women and highlighted that Syria was very different from Afghanistan.
"A woman should be treated like a flower in the home. A flower needs to be cared for," Khamenei wrote.
Unlike quick-fix interventions, the organization offers steadfast support, equipping these young women with vital life skills to navigate obstacles and create lasting stability.
The journey to self-actualization isn’t selfish; it’s a necessary pause to refuel spiritually and emotionally so that we can become the best version of ourselves at this stage of life.
By simply reading this article and discussing it with friends you may protect your wife, mother, and daughters by bringing the authorization to give a get to the soldiers’ and reservists’ attention.
The investment in opening these flagship stores is estimated at approximately NIS 12 million.