Yoav Gallant

Yoav Gallant is a veteran Israeli politician, currently part of the Likud Party, and is Israel's current defense minister. 

He has an extensive background in the IDF and was at one point a top candidate to become chief of staff.

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A knife in the back: Netanyahu is waiting to oust Gallant, the only question is when

The long knives have already been drawn; what's missing? Only the signal to use them.


Ben-Gvir questions possibility of peaceful solution in the north during cabinet meeting

In a tense cabinet meeting, Israel's Defense Minister expressed caution over northern conflict, sparking heated exchanges on security strategies and military leadership challenges.


Gallant links political flexibility to military solutions during northern border tour

Defense Minister Gallant visited northern border intelligence and Iron Dome sites, discussing military and political strategies amid Hezbollah tensions, emphasizing readiness and strategic options.

(L-R): International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

ICC delays arrest warrants process against PM, Gallant

The decision permits UK, other countries to oppose the jurisdiction.

US government provided $6.5 billion in security aid to Israel since Oct. 7

In order to counter this allegation of bottlenecking, US arms transfer experts went through "hundreds of separate items" with counterparts, accompanied by Gallant on his visit, an official said.

Gallant's US meetings expose Netanyahu's fraught relationship with his own cabinet

Gallant has publicly aired subtle complaints towards Netanyahu for releasing a video last week accusing the Biden administration of withholding support from Israel. 

Beyond conflict: Building Israel's future on strength and identity

Why should Israel find itself beholden to an ally that is not truly interested in our own self-defense?


US keeps pause on one bomb shipment to Israel while it is under review

The US and Israel, the official said, are working to reschedule a strategic dialogue on Iran. A meeting set for last week was scrapped following Netanyahu's criticism.


Gallant: Israel backs US hostage deal, committed to bringing everyone home

“We stand firmly behind the President’s deal, which Israel has accepted, and now Hamas must accept – or bear the consequences,” Gallant said.

Germany and, Netherlands warn their citizens to leave Lebanon, fearing war

Germany noted that air traffic might be halted in such a situation and if so, it might not be possible to leave.

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