Israel's students and their parents and leaders all went back to school on Friday, kicking off the 2023-2024 school year.
The breakdown was more dramatic among religious groups, with 46% of haredim agree that teachers should educate "toward democracy" compared to 85% of their secular peers.
As the first day of school approaches, I convey my best wishes to everyone who comes together to create the beautiful social tapestries that are our school communities.
Given that high school teachers play such a key role in educating Israel's younger generation, this reflects poorly on the value our society places on them.
Herzog, who attends school year openings of state and haredi schools, makes a point of going to a different geographic area each time
Teachers' salaries will be raised by NIS 2,000 a month and an additional 2,000 teachers are being recruited to help fill the nationwide shortage.
Matanyahu Englman: "There must not be some children who are worth more and other children who are worth less."
The new program, coming at a time of heightened social divisions in Israel, is per the directive of Education Minister Yoav Kisch to make Israel's schools have a culture of tolerance.